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曾松军 教授



曾松军,男,1982年4月生,博士,教授,博士生导师,香港理工大学博士后,获湖南省杰出青年基金,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖1项(第一完成人),入选湖南省“芙蓉学者--青年学者”,湖南省“湖湘青年英才-科技创新人才”。主要从事光学多功能纳米探针的构筑及生物医学应用研究。主持和作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金,湖南省科技计划,湖南省自然科学基金等项目多项。近年来在国际权威杂志Adv. Mater.,Nano Today, Nano Letters, Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, Advanced Science, Biomaterials, Nanoscale Horizons, Chem.Mater., Chem. Eng. J., Theranostics等上发表SCI论文80余篇,引用5000余次,H-index=35,IF>10的论文28篇。担任Journal of Rare Earth, Nanoscale Advances, Nanomaterial,“激光生物学报”期刊青年编委或客座编辑。担任Nat. Commun.,ACS Nano, AM,AFM, Angew, Nano Today, Biomaterials, Theranostics, Chem. Eng. J., Journal of Materials Chemistry, Nanoscale, ACS AMI, Chem. Commun., CrystEngComm, Dalton Transactions, RSC Advances, Materials Science and Engineering B等刊物审稿人。






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(22175062,21671064)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51102202)

3. 湖南省杰出青年基金

4. 湖南省芙蓉学者-青年学者人才项目

5. 湖南省科技计划创新人才项目


[1] Xingwang Wen, Shenghui Bi, Chunxia Wang,Songjun Zeng*,AnActivated StructureTransformable Ratiometric Photoacoustic Nanoprobe for Real-Time Dynamic Monitoring of H2SInVivo.Nano Letters, 2023,DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03980.

[2] Shenghui Bi, Zhiming Deng, Junqing Huang, Xingwang Wen,Songjun Zeng*, NIR-II Responsive Upconversion Nanoprobe with Simultaneously Enhanced Single-Band Red Luminescence and Phase/Size Control for Bioimaging and Photodynamic Therapy.Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2207038.

[3] Shenghui Bi, Xingwang Wen, Ge Sun,Songjun Zeng*, Activatable NIR-II ratiometric ffuorescence nanoprobe for in vivo real-time dynamic imaging of GSH and its-associated diseases.Nano Today, 2023, 53, 102027.

[4] Youbin Li, Xingwang Wen, Zhiming Deng, Mingyang Jiang,Songjun Zeng*,In Vivo High-Resolution Bioimaging of Bone Marrow and Fracture Diagnosis Using Lanthanide Nanoprobes with 1525 nm Emission.Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 2691-2701.

[5] Zhiming Deng, Shenghui Bi, Mingyang Jiang,Songjun Zeng*, Endogenous H2S Activated Orthogonal Second Near-Infrared Emissive Nanoprobe for In-Situ Ratiometric Fluorescence Imaging of Metformin-Induced Liver Injury.ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 3201-3211.

[6]Youbin Li,Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao*, Non-invasive optical guided tumor metastasis/vessel imaging by using lanthanide nanoprobe with enhanced down-shifting emission beyond 1500 nm.ACS Nano2019, 13, 248-259.

[7] Junqing Huang, Zhiming Deng, Shenghui Bi, Xingwang Wen,Songjun Zeng*, Recyclable Endogenous H2S Activation of Self-Assembled Nanoprobe with Controllable Biodegradation for Synergistically Enhanced Colon Cancer-Specific Therapy.Advanced Science, 2022, 9,2203902.

[8]Youbin Li, Mingyang Jiang, Zhiming Deng,Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao*,Low Dose Soft X-ray Remotely Triggered Lanthanide Nanovaccine for Deep Tissue CO Gas Release and Activation of Systemic Anti-Tumor Immunoresponse.Advanced Science, 2021, 8,2004391.

[9] Zhigao Yi, Xiaolong Li, Zhenluan Xue, Xiao Liang, Wei Lu, Hao Peng, Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng*,Jianhua Hao*, Remarkable NIR Enhancement of Multifunctional Nanoprobes for In Vivo Trimodal Bioimaging and Upconversion Optical/T2-Weighted MRI-Guided Small Tumor Diagnosis.Adv. Funct. Mater., 2015, 25, 7119-7129.封面论文"Inside Front Cover".

[10]Songjun Zeng,*Zhigao Yi, Wei Lu, Chao Qian, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Tianmei Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Huijing Liu, Bin Fei, and Jianhua Hao*, Simultaneous realization of phase/size manipulation, large enhancement in upconversion luminescence and blood vessel imaging in multifunctional nanoprobes through transition metal Mn2+doping.Adv. Funct. Mater., 2014, 24, 4051-4059.封面论文"Back Cover".

[11] Mingyang Jiang, Qianchun Ma, Junqing Huang, Shenghui Bi,Songjun Zeng*, NIR-II emissive nanoprobe for non-invasive monitoring of liver fibrosis and in-situ ratiometric visualization of NO gas-based therapy process.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 475, 145977.

[12] Mingyang Jiang, Zhenluan Xue, Youbin Li, Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng*,Jianhua Hao*, A soft X-ray activated lanthanide scintillator for controllable NO release and gas-sensitized cancer therapy.Nanoscale Horizons, 2020, 5, 268-273.封面论文"Inside Front Cover".

[13] Hui Li, Xin Wang, Xiaolong Li,Songjun Zeng*,Guanying Chen*, Clearable Shortwave-Infrared-Emitting NaErF4Nanoparticles for Noninvasive Dynamic Vascular Imaging.Chem. Mater.,2020, 32, 3365-3375.

[14] Xiaolong Li, Mingyang Jiang,Songjun Zeng,*Hongrong Liu*, Polydopamine coated multifunctional lanthanide theranostic agent for vascular malformation and tumor vessel imaging beyond 1500 nm and imaging-guided photothermal therapy.Theranostics, 2019, 9, 3866-3878.

[15] Youbin Li, Mingyang Jiang, Zhenluan Xue,Songjun Zeng*,808 nm light triggered lanthanide nanoprobes with enhanced down-shifting emission beyond 1500 nm for imaging-guided resection surgery of tumor and vascular visualization.Theranostics, 2020, 10, 6875-6885.

[16] Zhenluan Xue, Mingyang Jiang, Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao*, Low dose soft X-ray-controlled deep-tissue long-lasting NO release of persistent luminescence nanoplatform for gas-sensitizedanticancer therapy.Biomaterials, 2020, 263, 120384.

[17] Zhenluan Xue,Songjun Zeng,*Jianhua Hao*, Non-invasive through-skull brain vascular imaging and small tumor diagnosis based on NIR-II emissive lanthanide nanoprobes beyond 1500 nm.Biomaterials,2018, 171, 153-163.

[18] Youbin Li, Xiaolong Li, Zhenluan Xue, Mingyang Jiang,Songjun Zeng,*Jianhua Hao, Second near-infrared emissive lanthanide complex for fast renal-clearablein vivooptical bioimaging and tiny tumor detection.Biomaterials,2018, 169, 35-44.

[19] Zhenluan Xue, Zhigao Yi, Xiaolong Li, Youbin Li, Mingyang Jiang, Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng*,Upconversion optical/magnetic resonance imaging-guided small tumor detection and in vivo tri-modal bioimaging based on high-performance luminescent nanorods.Biomaterials,2017, 115, 90-103.

[20] Zhigao Yi, Wei Lu, Yaru Xu, Jing Yang, Li Deng, Chao Qian, Tianmei Zeng, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng*,PEGylated NaLuF4: Yb/Er upconversion nanophosphors for in vivo synergistic fluorescence/X-ray bioimaging and long-lasting, real-time tracking.Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 9689-9697.

[21]Songjun Zeng*, Haibo Wang, Wei Lu, Zhigao Yi, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu, Jianhua Hao*, Dual-modal upconversion fluorescent/X-ray imaging using ligand-free hexagonal phase NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Er nanorods for blood vessel visualization.Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 2934-2941.

[22]Songjun Zeng,Ming-Kiu Tsang, Chi-Fai Chan, Ka-Leung Wong, and Jianhua Hao*, PEG modified BaGdF5: Yb/Er nanoprobes for multi-modal upconversion fluorescent, in vivo X-ray computed tomography and biomagnetic imaging.Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 9232-9238.

[23] Youbin Li, Linman Du, Fei Li, Zhiming Deng,Songjun Zeng,*Intelligent Nanotransducer for Deep-Tumor Hypoxia Modulation and Enhanced Dual-Photosensitizer Photodynamic Therapy,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022,doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c24172.

[24] Youbin Li, Gongxun Bai,Songjun Zeng,*Jianhua Hao*,Theranostic Carbon Dots with Innovative NIR-II Emission for in Vivo Renal-Excreted Optical Imaging and Photothermal Therapy,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019, 11, 4737-4744.被选为封面论文"Supplement Cover ".

[25] Yao Huang, Zhenluan Xue,Songjun Zeng*, Hollow Mesoporous Bi@PEG-FA Nanoshell as a Novel Dual-Stimuli-Responsive Nanocarrier for Synergistic Chemo-Photothermal Cancer Therapy,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 31172-31181.

[26] Zhenluan Xue, Xiaolong Li, Youbin Li, Mingyang Jiang, Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng,*Jianhua Hao*,X-ray-Activated Near-Infrared Persistent Luminescent Probe for Deep-Tissue and Renewable in Vivo Bioimaging,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2017, 9, 22132-22142.


1. 获湖南省自然科学奖二等奖1项(第一完成人)

2. 获湖南省杰出青年基金

3. 入选湖南省“芙蓉学者-青年学者”

4. 入选湖南省“湖湘青年英才-科技创新”人才

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