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包小军 教授



主要从事新元素和新核素产生机制和衰变性质的理论研究,目前担任中国核学会理事、中国核学会射线束技术分会理事和湖南省核学会常务理事。2022年获得湖南省杰出青年科学基金项目资助,2018年入选湖南省青年骨干教师培养计划。在国内外核物理权威期刊Phys.Lett.B、Phys.Rev.C等上发表SCI研究论文60余篇,H因子22。担任包括Nature Communications、Physics Letters B等在内的10余种权威期刊的审稿专家。













1.湖南省杰出青年科学基金,批准号:2022JJ10031,2022.01.01--2024.12.31, 在研,主持。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:12175064,2022.01.01--2025.12.31, 在研,主持。

3.国家自然科学基金联合重点项目,批准号:U2167203,2022.01.01--2025.12.31, 在研,子课题负责人。






28.S.H.Zhu,X. J. Bao*,Possibility to synthesize Z = 120 superheavy nuclei with Z > 20 projectiles,Phys.Rev.C,108, 014604 (2023).

27.G. J. Li,X. J. Bao*,Theoretical calculations for the capture cross section of the formation of heavyand superheavy nuclei,Phys.Rev.C,107,024611(2023).

26. Tian Liang Zhao,X. J. Bao, and Hong Fei Zhang*, Exploring the optimal way to produce Z = 100–106 neutron-rich nuclei,Phys.Rev.C,108, 024602 (2023).

25.Dong-ying Huo, Zheng Wei*, Kang Wu, Chao Han, Ya-ning Han, Yi-xuan Wang, Peng-qi Zhang, Yuan He,X. J. Bao, Zhi-yong Deng, and Ze-en Yao, Effect of octupole deformation of fragments on mass-asymmetric yields of fission of actinide nuclei,Phys.Rev.C,108,024608 (2023).

24.X. J. Bao,Optimal condition for the production of heavy and superheavy neutron-rich isotopes with multinucleon transfer reaction,Phys.Lett.B833,137307(2022).

23.X. J. Bao,S. Q. Guo, P. H. Chen, Production of new neutron-rich isotopes with 92 _ Z _ 100 in multinucleon transfer reactions,Phys.Rev.C,105,024610(2022).

22.L. Ma , H. B. Yang, Z. Y. Zhang*, J. C. Pei, M. H. Huang, M. M. Zhang, C. Y. Qiao,X. J. Bao, Y. L. Tian, C. L. Yang, Y. S. Wang, Z. Zhao, X. Y. Huang, S. Y. Xu, W. X. Huang, Z. Liu, X. H. Zhou, and Z. G. Gan, Attempts to produce new americium isotopes near N = 126,Phys.Rev.C,106,034316 (2022)(实验与理论合作的文章).

21.X. J. Bao,Possibilities for synthesis of new transfermium isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions,Phys. Rev. C,104, 034604(2021).

20.Z. Cheng,X. J. Bao*,Influence of entrance channel on multinucleon transfer cross sections,Phys.Rev.C,103,064613(2021).

19. Z. Cheng,X. J. Bao*,Formation of heavy neutron-rich nuclei by48Ca-induced multinucleon transfer reactions,Phys.Rev.C,103,024613(2021).

18.Shuqing Guo,X. J. Bao, and Nan Wang*, Selection of the optimal condition for the production of light neutron-rich isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions,Phys.Rev.C,103,034613 (2021).

17.X. J. Bao,Influence of the incident energy of the projectile and of different targetson the production of neutron-rich nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 102, 064604 (2020).

16.X. J. Bao,Role of neutron excess in the projectile for the production of heavy neutron-rich nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 102, 054613 (2020).

15.X. J. Bao,Possibility to produce293,295,296Og in the reactions48Ca+249,250,251Cf,Phys. Rev. C 100, 011601(Rapid Communications) (2019).

14.Shu Qing Guo,X. J. Bao, Hong Fei Zhang, Jun Qing Li, and Nan Wang*, Effect of dynamical deformation on the production distribution in multinucleon transfer reactions,Phys.Rev.C,100, 054616 (2019).

13.X. J. Bao, S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li,Influence of neutron excess of projectile on multinucleon transferreactions,Phys. Lett. B 785, 221-225 (2018).

12.X. J. Bao,S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li, Dynamics of complete and incomplete fusion in heavy ion collisions,Phys. Rev. C 97, 024617 (2018).

11. T. L. Zhao,X. J. Bao*,Predictions for decay modes for superheavy nuclei Z = 118–124,Phys.Rev.C,98,064307(2018).

10.Long Zhu, Pei-Wei Wen*, Cheng-Jian Lin,X. J. Bao, Jun Su, Cheng Li, and Chen-Chen Guo, Shell effects in a multinucleon transfer process,Phys.Rev.C,97,044614 (2018).

9.Zhishuai Ge, Cheng Li, Jingjing Li, Gen Zhang, Bing Li, Xinxin Xu, Cheikh A. T. Sokhna,X. J. Bao, Hongfei Zhang, Yu. S. Tsyganov, and Feng-Shou Zhang*, Effect of shell corrections on the α-decay properties of 280–305Fl isotopes ,Phys.Rev.C,98,034312 (2018).

8.X. J. Bao, S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li,Influence of entrance channel on production cross sections of superheavy nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 96, 024610 (2017).

7.X. J .Bao, S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li,Theoretical predictions for the decay chain of the nuclei 293,295–297Og,Phys. Rev. C 95, 034323 (2017).

6.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. ZhangPossibilities for synthesis of new isotopes of superheavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions,Phys. Rev. C 93, 044615 (2016).

5.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Influence of the nuclear dynamical deformation on production cross sections of superheavy nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 91,011603(Rapid Communications) (2015).

4.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Theoretical study of the synthesis of superheavy nuclei using radioactive beams,Phys. Rev. C 91, 064612 (2015).

3.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Influence of nuclear basic data on the calculation of production cross sections of superheavy nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 92, 014601 (2015).

2.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Isotopic dependence of superheavy nuclear production in hot fusion reactions,Phys. Rev. C 92, 034612 (2015).

1.X. J. Bao, Hai Fei Zhang, Jian Min Dong, Jun Qing Li, and Hong Fei Zhang, Competition betweenαdecay and cluster radioactivity for superheavy nuclei with a universal decay-law formula,Phys. Rev. C 89, 067301 (2014).






(4).2018年获得英国物理学会高被引论文奖“Top 1%高被引(2015-2017)”。






