鞠芳芳,声学博士,副教授,硕士生导师(电子科学与技术、电子信息)。2015年本科毕业于西安交通大学应用物理学专业,2020年博士毕业于南京大学声学专业,师从刘晓峻教授和程营教授。同年9月加入湖南师范大学生物医学电子及仪器联合实验室,从事声学超构材料方向的研究工作。在Applied Physics Letters, APL Materials, Applied Physics Express等国际权威学术期刊上共发表论文10余篇,主持国家级科研项目和省部级科研项目各一项。
Email: jufangfang@hunnu.edu.cn
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,30万元,在研,主持。
2. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,5万元,在研,主持。
3. 湖南师范大学博士科研启动项目,5万元,在研,主持。
1. Liu Zhengang, Chang Shuai, Xue Shibei,Ju Fangfang*, and Qian Shengyou*, Asymmetric acoustic splitting with the dual-layers of binary metagratings, EPL 145, 63001 (2024).
2. Ju Fangfang, Zou Xiao, Xue Shibei, and Qian Sheng-You*, Simultaneous manipulation of acoustic waves in the reflected and transmitted regions with the full space metasurface, Applied Physics Express 16, 074003 (2023).
3. Ju Fangfang, Liu Chen, Cheng Ying*, Qian Shengyou, and Liu Xiaojun*, Acoustic coherent perfect absorption based on a PT symmetric coupled Mie resonator system, APL Materials 11, 121104 (2023).
4. Liu Zhengang,Ju Fangfang*, Qian Shengyou, and Liu Xiaojun*, Tunable beam splitter based on acoustic binary metagrating, Applied Sciences-Basel 12, 3758 (2022).
5. Ju Fangfang*, Zou Xiao, Liu Zhengang, and Qian Sheng-You*, Efficient asymmetric acoustic transmission based on the combination of a binary metasurface and a gradient index metasurface, Applied Physics Express 15, 114001 (2022).
6. Ju Fangfang, Zou Xiao, Qian Sheng-You*, and Liu Xiaojun*, Asymmetric acoustic retroflection with a non-Hermitian metasurface mirror, Applied Physics Express 14, 124001 (2021).
7. Ju Fangfang#, Xiong Wei#, Liu Chen, Cheng Ying*, Deng Mingxi, and Liu Xiaojun*, An extremely anisotropic phononic crystal with open elliptical dispersion for energy convergence and beam squeezing, Applied Physics Letters 117, 183501 (2020).
8. Ju Fangfang, Xiong Wei, Liu Chen, Cheng Ying*, and Liu Xiaojun*, Acoustic accelerating beam based on a curved metasurface, Applied Physics Letters 114, 113507 (2019).
9. Ju Fangfang, Tian Ye, Cheng Ying*, and Liu Xiaojun*, Asymmetric acoustic transmission with a lossy gradient-index metasurface, Applied Physics Letters 113, 121901 (2018).
10. Ju Fangfang, Cheng Ying*, and Liu Xiaojun*, Acoustic spin Hall-like effect in hyperbolic metamaterials controlled by the helical wave, Scientific Reports 8, 11113 (2018).