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欧阳钢 教授



博士,教授(二级),博士生导师,新加坡千禧基金(Singapore Millennium Foundation)学者,从事光电材料与器件的理论与计算研究,在Chem. Rev.,PNAS,Nano Lett., ACS Photonics, Phys. Rev. B/Appl.,Appl. Phys. Lett., New J. Phys.等期刊发表学术论文140余篇。

Email: gangouy@hunnu.edu.cn









[1] G. Ouyang, C. X. Wang, G. W. Yang*, Surfaceenergy of nanostructural materials with negative curvature and related size effects,Chem.Rev.109,(2009) 4221-4247.

[2] B. Yan, Q. F. Gu, W. W. Cao, B. Cai, Y. W. Li, Z. P. Zeng, P. Liu, Z. F. Ke, S. Meng*, G. Ouyang*, G. W. Yang*, Laser direct overall water splitting for Hand H2Oproduction,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA121, (2024) e2319286121.

[3] Y. Y. Cao, G. Ouyang*, C. X. Wang, G. W. Yang*, Physical mechanism of surfaceroughening of theradial Ge-core/Si-shellnanowireheterostructure and the rmodynamic prediction of surfacestability of the InAs-core/GaAs-shellnanowirestructure,Nano Letters13,(2013) 436-443.

[4] L. Zhang, H. M. Hu, Y. H. Zhou, J. S. Miao*, G. Ouyang*, X. L. Chen*,Robust and enhancedshort-wavenear-infraredlightemission inphosphorene throughphoton-activatedoxidation,ACS Photonics9, (2022) 3935-3942.

[5] D. G. Xu, J. D. Ru, B. Cai, J. N. Tan, K. K. Yang, G. W. Yang,G. Ouyang*, Theoretical design of a multifunctional two-dimensional HfGeTe4-based optoelectronic device utilizing the anisotropic photogalvanic effect,Phys. Rev. Appl.20, (2023) 054025.

[6] D. G. Xu,J. N.Tan, M. Ge,G. W. Yang, G. Ouyang*,Multifunctional near-infrared polarized photodetector driven by theanisotropic photogalvanic effect in a two-dimensional MnSSe/TaIrS4/MnSSe magnetic tunnel junction,Phys. Rev. Appl.22, (2024) 054042.

[7] B. Cai, J. N. Tan, L.Zhang, D. G. Xu, J. S. Dong, G. Ouyang*, Ultrafastinterfacialchargetransferand superiorphotoelectricconversionproperties inone-dimensional Janus-MoSSe/WSe2van der Waalsheterostructures,Phys. Rev. B108, (2023) 045416.

[8] J. N. Tan, H. M. Hu, B. Cai, D. G. Xu, G. Ouyang*, Instability of themagneticstate ofMPX3(M=Mn, Ni;X=S, Se)monolayers induced bystrain anddoping,Phys. Rev. B106, (2022) 195424.

[9] J. N. Tan, D. G. Xu, M. Ge, G. W. Yang, G. Ouyang*, Sliding ferromagnetism in bilayer MnSiSe3and its application to spintronics,Phys. Rev. B110, (2024) 125402.

[10] T. Lv, M. Ge, Y. Zeng, D. G. Xu, Y. P. Zhao, G. Ouyang*, Direct Z-scheme MS2/Si2PAs (M=Zr, Hf) heterostructures for efficient water splitting: a first-principles study,Appl. Phys. Lett.124, (2024) 023901.

[11] C. K. Tang, D. G. Xu, G. Ouyang*,Cross-planetransport inCyclo[18]carbon-based moleculardevices,Appl. Phys. Lett.122, (2023) 044101.

[12] J. S.Dong,Y. P.Zhao,G.Ouyang*,G. W.Yang*,A perspective on optimizing photoelectric conversion process in 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides and related heterostructures,Appl. Phys. Lett.120, (2022) 080501.

[13] A.Zhang,Z. M.Zhu,Y.He,G.Ouyang*, Structurestabilities andtransitions inpolyhedralmetalnanocrystals: Anatomic-bond-relaxationapproach,Appl. Phys. Lett.100,(2012) 171912.

[14] Z. M. Zhu, A. Zhang, G. Ouyang*, G. W. Yang, Edgeeffect onbandgapshift in Sinanowires withpolygonalcross-sections,Appl. Phys. Lett.98, (2011) 263112.

[15] J. N. Tan, G. W. Yang,G. Ouyang*, Large tunneling magnetoresistance and its high bias stability in Weyl half-semimetal based lateral magnetic tunnel junctions,New J. Phys.26, (2024) 033047.

[16] X. Y. Li, C. R. Shao, Y. P. Zhao, G. Ouyang*, W. Hu*, J. F. Zhang*, Pyramid-shaped perovskite single-crystal growth and application for high-performance photodetector,Advanced Optical Materials2400329, (2024).

[17] D. G. Xu, B. Cai,J. N. Tan, G. Ouyang*,Tailoring the anisotropic effect of Janus In2XY (X/Y = S, Se, Te) monolayers toward realizing multifunctional optoelectronic device applications,New J.Phys.25, (2023) 083013.

[18] B. Cai,Y. P.Zhao, D. G. Xu, G. Ouyang*,Optimized photoelectric conversion properties of PbSxSe1-x-QD/MoS2-NT 0D-1D mixed-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures,New J.Phys.24, (2022) 063012.

[19] Q. J. Ye,D. G. Xu,B. Cai,J. T.Lu,H. X.Yi,C. R.Ma, Z. Q.Zheng,J. D.Yao*,G. Ouyang*, G. W.Yang,High-performance hierarchical O-SnS/I-ZnIn2S4photodetectors by leveraging the synergy of optical regulation and band tailoring,Mater.Horiz.9, (2022) 2364.

[20] M. Ge, D. G. Xu, J. N. Tan, G. Ouyang*,Edge-dependent photogalvanic effect in 1T′-ReS2-basedpolarization self-poweredphotodetectors,Optics Express32, (2024) 42418-42427 .

[21] H. M.Hu, G. Ouyang*,Interface induced transition fromSchottky-to-Ohmiccontacts insingle-walledcarbonnanotube-basedvan der Waals Schottkyheterostructures,Materials Today Nano20, (2022) 100267.

[22] H. M.Hu,G.Ouyang*,First-principles calculations of interface engineering for 2D α-In2Se3-based van der Waals multiferroic heterojunctions,Appl.Surf.Sci.545, (2021) 149024.

[23] L. Zhang, G. Ouyang*,Size-dependentthermalboundaryresistance andthermalconductivity in Si/Gecore-shellnanowires,IEEE T.Electron Dev.65, (2018) 361-366.

[24] Z. Zhang, G. Ouyang*, Bandmodulation ofblackphosphorus andmolybdenumdisulfide van der Waalsheterojunction: Twist andelectricfieldeffects,ACS Appl.Energy Mater.1,(2018) 5675-5684.

[25] Y. He, W. B.Yu, G. Ouyang*,Shape-dependent conversion efficiency of Si nanowire solar cells with polygonal cross-sections,J. Appl. Phys.119, (2016) 225101.

[26] W. B. Yu, Y. He, G. Ouyang*,Surfacegradientdependence ofbandgapenergy anddielectricconstant of ZnOtaperednanowires,J. Appl. Phys.122, (2017) 094307.

[27] Y. P.Zhao, Z. Zhang, G. Ouyang*,Bandshift of 2Dtransition-metaldichalcogenidealloys:Size and compositioneffects,Appl. Phys. A124, (2018) 292.


[1] 新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(2017年)

[2] 国务院特殊津贴专家(2018年)

[3] 湖南省121创新人才培养工程第一层次人选(2019年)

[4] 广东省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖(6/9, 2016年)

[5] 国家自然科学奖二等奖(3/5, 2011年)

[6] 湖南省杰出青年基金获得者(2012年)

[7] 广东省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖(3/5, 2009年)

[8] 全国优秀博士论文提名(2009年)、广东省优秀博士论文(2008年)

[9] 指导4名研究生获湖南省优秀硕士论文奖,1名本科生获湖南省优秀本科毕业论文奖

[10] 第十三届湖南省高等教育教学成果奖三等奖(研究生类)(1/9, 2022年)

[11] 第三届湖南省优秀研究生导师(2023年)