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彭桓武科教合作中心量子论坛第三百五十讲:Hadron structure and reactions: from quarks, chiral symmetry,new phenomena


报告题目:Hadron structure and reactions: from quarks, chiral symmetry,new phenomena

报  告 人:Atsushi Hosaka 教授,日本大阪大学





In the two lectures I will discuss hadron physics from introductory to the latest subjects. In the first part, I will provide methods for quark models and chiral symmetry. In the quark model, SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry is discussed quickly, while for the lattaer the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model is explaoined in some detal. In the second part, heavy quark symmetry is introduced and applications to exotic hadrons are discussed.


Atsushi Hosaka, Professor, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University. He is a leading theorist in hadron physics and have worked in many subjects based on QCD effective theories including, quarks, chiral symmetry, hevy quarks and so on. He wrote a book from World Scientific "Quarks, baryons and chiral symmetry", which provides basic ideas and methods for hadron physics. Recently, he slao wrote a review "Hadrons from Quarks and Chiral Symmetry" in I. Tanihata et al. (eds.), Handbook of Nuclear Physics (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8818-1_56-1).