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彭桓武科教合作中心量子论坛第三百七十八讲:Non-Gaussianities in the PBH Formation and Induced GWs


报告题目:Non-Gaussianities in the PBH Formation and Induced GWs

报  告 人:皮石 研究员(青年长江),中国科学院理论物理研究所





I will briefly review the recent progress in the non-Gaussian effect on the primordial black hole formation and the induced GWs.The most promising mechanism of generating PBHs is by the enhancement of power spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation, which is usually accompanied by the the enhancement of non-Gaussianity that crucially changes the abundance of PBHs. I will discuss how non-Gaussianity is generated in single field inflation as well as in the curvaton scenario, and then discuss how to calculate PBH mass function with such non-Gaussianities. I also show that non-Gaussianity only has mild effects on the induced gravitational waves (GWs), which gives robust predictions in the mHz and nHz GW experiments.


皮石,中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员、博士生导师。2013年于北京大学物理学院取得博士学位,之后在韩国APCTP、中国科学院理论物理研究所、京都大学YITP、东京大学IPMU进行博士后研究。2020年起在中国科学院理论物理研究所工作。近期的兴趣集中在宇宙学微扰论、暴胀模型构建、随机引力波背景、原初黑洞物理等方向。受邀担任Chinese Physics C, Symmetry等期刊的编辑。