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学术讲座第九十三讲:Probing Fundamental Physics via Supermassive Black Hole Observations


报告题目:Probing Fundamental Physics via Supermassive Black Hole Observations

报  告 人:陈一帆 博士,哥本哈根大学玻尔研究所





Two recent milestones in astrophysical observation are the Event Horizon Telescope’s imaging of black hole shadows and pulsar timing arrays’ detection of a stochastic gravitational wave background consistent with supermassive black hole binary populations. This talk will review these breakthroughs and explore their implications for fundamental physics, focusing on the role of black holes as powerful transducers that can accumulate significant matter densities. For instance, when dark matter annihilates into electron-positron pairs, synchrotron radiation may be emitted under the influence of strong magnetic fields near the event horizon, potentially illuminating the black hole shadow and inner shadow due to the low electron density in the jet region. Additionally, matter surrounding supermassive black hole binaries can be ejected via three-body scattering, leading to orbital energy extraction and producing a characteristic turnover in the gravitational wave background spectrum. I will present current data constraints, best-fit models, and future prospects for these investigations.

